The History of Punggek

Many has asked me this question "What is Punggek?" and to be honest, I never gave it a lot of thought.
But i remember my mother told me few years earlier that when I was small, I used to say the word a lot with my sister but the meaning it represent was not a good one. In the olden days, it was a taboo for kids to say bad words and we were brought up in a world where no bad word existed except the word "bad". We weren't even introduced to the word "beat" although we always got a good beating from our parents almost everday. So my mother told me that me and my sister created the word Punggek to fill the 'void' in our already limited volcabularly.

"I punggek you afterward!" is one of the example that would come out from our mean mouths. So the original meaning of Punggek is "beat". However, concerned with our creativity, my mother introduced us the the word "beat" and the word faded as suddenly as we invented it when.
But when i received a 'revelation' during SALT 1 in Brothers Bungalow to rejuvenate the word. Like in Genesis, when God breathed into Adams nostrils the breath of life, the word Punggek started to wake up in a totally different environment. Full of love, the word took another meaning in its second life.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Beloved Juniors...

Dear beloved juniors,

I am honoured to get to meet all of you.

To know you, to be your friend, to get to spend time with you... It has been a blessing to me.

The time spent together, the activities we went through, those memories I'll keep dearly as a beloved chapter of my life.

Everytime we meet, I feel like a little boy getting to open a present. Full of enthusiasm, eyes shining with passion. Just meeting you guys makes my day.

To me, you guys are my precious little ones. That's why I always hugs all of you. That's why I always try my best to smile when I meet all of you even though I just got yelled at work or scolded by my dad(again) or extremely exhausted due to over work(I'm alone in my office since our clerk resign so I'm doing double work load).

I try my best to assist during mass by becoming the warden, literally, almost every week. I try my best to join all of your activities and rush to it after work because I want to help ensure everything is OK. I try not to burden anyone of you with my personal problems. I try my best to be close to all of you hoping that you will come to me when you are in trouble.

I feel great joy if all of you are happy and I feel deeply sad if otherwise.

But beloved juniors,

I am still just another version of you. An older one if you insist.

There is a time when I feel I need to rest for a while from my hectic life. I'm sad that my decision to temporarily rest makes most of you think that I do not want to join any of your activities anymore.

I stop getting any invitation, I stop getting any update, I don't even get anymore invites to go dinner or watch movies.

It makes me feel that you guys only need me when you are in trouble and when its time to have some fun, I'm out of the equation. Maybe its because of the gap in age. Or maybe, there are other reasons I know not of.

I didn't ask for any appreciation award. I don't expect to 'kena blanja' or even to celebrate my birthday. You all know that if you are in trouble, you can always depend on me to help. I never say no unless it interfere with my working time.

I seriously really don't mind helping in all your activities including the ones during weekends(the only time of the week that I get to enjoy leisure time). I really don't. But I beg you not to get for granted. Please know despite of having the chance to rest, I choose to help out.

I only hope that when you are planning to spend good times, you remember to at least invite me. You know I love movies and karaoke. Just that makes my day a better one.

A simple "Jim, jom makan d No 1" is the difference of going to bed smiling or not.

Dear beloved juniors,

I'm sorry if this offends you or if this will cause us to distance more from one another. This is merely my opinion. I really am happy to be with you all, maybe you don't feel the same way towards me :)

Have a nice day and have a happy life... You know I love you!

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